Archi tecture

In coming Conferences in the architecture world:
National Architectural Conference - PARALLAX
April 30 - May 02, 2009 - Melbourne
ASA International Forum - RE.VISION
May 01- May 03, 2009 - Bangkok
DATUM KL 2009 - Basic Design: The New Intelligence?
July 03 - July 04, 2009 - Kuala Lumpur
Archifest 2009 - Architecture for Humanity
Oct 05 - Oct 30, 2009 - Singapore
Welcome to 1 1 0 3. S t u d i o™ 's page.

. ......E N T E R


1 1 0 3. S t u d i o - .believes that everythings should be done in an innovative way.

B e. o r i g i n . . B e. d i f f e r e n t .

The act of developing new design, new service or process based upon a new idea that could be happened.

Papers Programming : Order + Value + Memory
An Early Idea for Boutique Hotel Design

1 1 0 3.. S T U D I O ....... 1 1 0 3. 工 作
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